rainbow over school

Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026

Habersham County Schools Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 school year:

Which statement below describes your situation? 

1- My child is currently attending preschool on campus at one of the Habersham County Elementary Schools. > > > These students already have a PowerSchool account. Please do not fill out an online application. Please do not attend the registration event. School staff will contact you if additional information is needed.

2- My child is NOT in preschool at a Habersham County elementary school. He or she will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025. > > > You need to fill out an online application linked here. (This link is only for new Kindergarten students)

Please note- the enrolling parent/guardian with primary legal custody should complete the online application. This will be verified and can delay the registration process if the form is submitted by someone other than the parent/guardian with primary legal custody.

3- If you filled out an online application, you will need to attend the registration night for your child's home school location (see attached flyer). 

Please periodically check our school system website at www.habershamschools.com or contact school staff at your home school location for more information.